1. Purpose: The purpose of TLC After School Program is to provide a quality resource for parents that must work outside the home after the school day is over. Our mission is to provide a nurturing, safe environment where your children can relax with their peers after school. During each day children will fill their afternoon with art, outdoor play, snacks, reading time, and small group activities.

  2. Ages: The ages of the children are 5 years to 12 years.

  3. Special Needs: The services for special needs children is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act. We reserve the right to deny services based on the inability of TLC After School to ensure safety and good health due to a child’s special physical, mental, behavioral, or emotional conditions and the limited resources available within our program.

  4. Hours: The hours of operation are 2:50 PM - 6PM Monday through Friday on days that school is in session.

  5. Weather: Should we encounter severe weather we will remain inside. We will bring children off the playground immediately should the weather include threatening storms.

  6. Acceptance in program: Please fill out registration form on TLC After School website Please read handbook and indicate that you have done so by checking appropriate box. Please read Policies and Procedures and indicate that you have done so.

  7. Fees: Fees are $30.00 per day for one child..

  8. Supervision: We are always with the children. We do a count of children at the beginning of the afternoon and match it to the number of children signed in. We do a count any time we move locations. A child must ask permission to use the rest room. Only one child at a time are allowed to use the restroom. Staff are with children at all times. We have no offices that take us away from the activities of the center.

  9. Behavior Policy: TLC After School is committed to creating a successful environment for your children. Our procedures on positive instruction, supporting positive behaviors, discipline and consequences is the following: TLC believes in respect for each other. We will only speak to your child with respect when we need to provide discipline. Should there be a problem, your child will be given two verbal warnings to correct a behavior. There will also be a quiet time of reflection to review the incident. We will work hard with you and your child to ensure their success, but respect and kindness is imperative. Should we be experiencing any significant behavior problems you will be advised. If the problem continues to be ongoing, your child will no longer be welcome to attend TLC and the parent will be notified by phone and given 24 hour notice. To work together to prevent that we have implemented the following: A) Your TLC crew has been trained in positive teaching practices and we will engage family support and open communication with family throughout to ensure children are being guided in a positive direction. B) Our Staff are all trained to respect your children and treat each other as we all want to be treated. C) TLC Directors and teachers are trained to teach proper friendship building, team building and being kind to each other. Each teacher respects your child and will demonstrate always, how to treat children and each other. D) We will work as a team with you to develop a behavior plan for your child if they are struggling. You will be our greatest resource in providing the support we need for your child to be successful. Should the need ever arise, that your family needs more support for your child, through our continuous trainings, we can offer family mental health contacts for you, to support your child in all environments.

  10. Accidents/Illness / Emergency: When a child becomes ill or is injured during the after school program, the parent/guardian will be contacted immediately. If the parent cannot be reached our staff will adhere to the emergency contact information on your child's registration form. Please notify us immediately if changes occur in addresses, phone numbers or emergency contacts for your family. Should we not be able to reach anyone, we will call 911 for transport to needed medical facilities.

  11. Lost Children: Should a child be missing at after school the following protocol will be followed: Our staff will first patrol school and school grounds thoroughly, secondly we will contact the parent to see if child was picked up without signing out. And thirdly, if unable to locate a child, we will call 911. We take every precaution in educating our children to not leave our program without permission. We take no field trips. The children will not be transported away from the center by our staff, unless there is an emergency (see handbook for more info)

  12. Releasing a child: When a child is released, the authorized person must sign the child out on our sign out sheet. No one will be released to anyone that is not on the registration form unless you notify us to do so. If you want your child to sign themselves out for any reason, we must have a signed letter from you, stating they are permitted to leave of their own accord. Children may sign themselves out with parent permission on file.

  13. Late arrivals: TLC After School closes at 6PM. If you will be later than 6PM please call us and notify staff. We will wait with your child until you arrive. Should you run late regularly, an extra fee will be incurred. Should there be an emergency and we do not hear from you for 15 minutes past our closing time, we will contact others on your emergency call list to come and retrieve your child. We do not take Field trips, so no concern if a child arrives late for a group activity, all activities occur at the program location.

  14. Medications: We administer life sustaining medications only. It is recommended that children needing medication should receive it from the school nurse prior to the end of the school day or from their parents after pick up. If your child has a life sustaining medication (ex. Epi-Pen, Seizure medicines etc.) we must have them stored for the school year with our program. The physician's prescription must also be on file with instructions to administer, signed by the parent or legal guardian. We have paperwork available at the program center, or we can email documents to you to sign.

  15. Personal belongings: All children's belongings will be placed in a holding basket of their own while at TLC After School. We have many placed out each day to house children's belongings.

  16. Snacks: We distribute snacks 2-3 times daily. We distribute snacks at the beginning of each afternoon, before quiet reading and any other time it is needed . Snacks are served in the cafeteria and outside. We serve fresh fruits, cheese sticks and prepackaged healthy organic snacks. If your child has a food allergy please discuss with us what is appropriate food for them, or provide their own snacks. Friday Fun days we serve CHIPS or other fun snacks and it has become a fan favorite!

  17. Visitors: Visitors are to sign in at the front desk and notify a staff person that you are there.

  18. Complaints: Should you have a complaint against our center, please talk to phone Ann Cathcart, owner, directly at 970-471-1500. We always want to know if a parent is dissatisfied so we can remedy the situation for you. If it is not resolved to your satisfaction, to register a licensing complaint contact; Office of Early Childhood, Division of Early Care & Learning, 1575 Sherman Street, 1st Floor, Denver, CO 80203 Phone 303-866-5958.

  19. Child Abuse: To report child abuse Call the Child Welfare Hot-line at 844-264-5437. Canceling our Services: Should we, or the school, decide that we are no longer able to provide services, everyone will be given a 90 day notice, at the end of the school year. If your child has been asked to no longer attend our program due to poor behavior choices, please see #9 regarding behavior policies. We also reserve the right to refuse to do business with any family that is rude to our staff or rude to our directors. Or to any family who repeatedly is late to pick up their child. We do all we can to accommodate everyone’s needs, but we will stop doing so when it negatively affects our staff. We will also give you a 24 hour notice.

  20. Reservations: At this time you do not need reservations. We will staff accordingly to accommodate all families that need us.

  21. Occasionally we will show a children's movie at our program. All movies will be rated G or PG. no other electronics are permitted.

  22. We will supervise your child applying sunscreen to themselves prior to going outside each day. We will provide SPF30 for all children. If you do not want your child using our sunscreen either provide yours for them, or provide us a note in writing indicating you do not want us applying sunscreen to your child.

  23. Questions: Any or all questions may be directed to Ann Cathcart @ (970) 471-1500.

Adopted September 12, 2013 (updated Aug 1, 2024)